Course Outline

Introduction to AI in Customer Service

  • The role of AI in modern customer service
  • Overview of Google Gemini AI capabilities

Setting Up Google Gemini for Customer Interactions

  • Technical setup for Gemini AI
  • Integrating Gemini AI with customer service platforms

Automating Customer Support with Gemini AI

  • Designing AI-driven response systems
  • Training Gemini AI on company-specific data

Enhancing Customer Engagement

  • Personalizing customer interactions with AI
  • Using Gemini AI for customer sentiment analysis

Analyzing Customer Feedback with Gemini AI

  • Gathering insights from customer interactions
  • Improving products and services based on AI analysis
  • Identifing trends and patterns in customer behavior

Case Studies and Best Practices

  • Success stories of AI in customer service
  • Ethical considerations and maintaining human touch

Project - Implementing Gemini AI Chatbot

  • Building a chatbot using Gemini AI
  • Testing and deploying the chatbot

Conclusion and Future Trends

  • Recap of key learnings
  • The future of AI in customer service


  • An understanding of customer service principles
  • Experience with customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Data analysis experience


  • Customer service managers
  • Customer experience specialists
  • Operational managers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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