Course Outline


  • What is programming and why should devote his attention
  • History of programming
  • Opportunity to automate tasks using the software
  • The role of the programmer and the computer in the enterprise
  • Programming today the development of the current market trends
  • Declarative and imperative programming. How or What?
  • Turing machine
  • Consolidation, compilation and interpretation "on the fly".

Reminder issues of logic and Boolean algebra

  • predicates
  • logical sentences
  • tautologies
  • Boolean algebra

The first program

  • structurally
  • functionally
  • object
  • And how else?

Simple types

  • Representation of strings
  • Integers
  • Floating-point numbers
  • Boolean
  • Type Null
  • A blank or Uninitialized
  • Strong and weak typing

Data structures

  • Concepts FIFO and FILO
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Declaring arrays and lists
  • Indexing
  • Maps
  • Records
  • Trees


  • Assignment Operators.
  • Arithmetic operators.
  • comparison Operators
  • And a comparison of the values ​​in different languages
  • Bitwise
  • Concatenation
  • Increment and decrement operators
  • The most common errors

Controlling the program

  • The if, if else instructions
  • Goto instructions, discuss the problems of application.
  • The switch
  • The for loop, for-in
  • The while loop, do-while
  • foreach loop
  • Stopping loop

Creating a reusable code

  • Functional Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming

Functional programming paradigms

  • What is the function of
  • Function and procedure
  • Fundamentals of lambda calculus
  • Function Arguments
  • Returning values
  • Functions as arguments
  • Anonymous functions
  • Closures
  • Recursion

The paradigms of object-oriented programming

  • Representation of entities from the real world entities in philosophy, ontology
  • Deciding what you want to object, or other types of
  • Declaration of classes
  • Creating instances of classes
  • Fields, a state of the object
  • Methods, as the behavior of an object
  • abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • polymorphism
  • Association and aggregation
  • Delegation and separation of relationships between objects
  • Modules, packages and libraries
  • Sharing API
  • The modeling of the system as classes and objects
  • Describing and programming relationships between classes
  • Program from a business perspective

Good programming practice

  • Pitfalls and common errors
  • High-level code in the interpretation of low-level
  • Code optimization
  • KISS principle
  • DRY principle
  • Principle Worse is Better
  • Separation abstraction of implementation
  • Methods of error detection logic programs
  • Conventions godowania
  • Commenting the code
  • Software Metrics

Overview of these technologies and languages

  • The area of application of these languages
  • The main features of language
  • Prospects for development
  • The future direction of development: algorithmic, optimization of code, implementing patterns, design patterns, architectural patterns, analytical standards
  • Reduction of the control structure - the use of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making
  • Which platform to choose? Individual consultations
 35 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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